Sunday, July 24, 2011

Along the lines of my last post...mothering an almost grown- up

In my last post I was thinking generally about parenting(mothering) a teenage guy. Today I am thinking more specifically along the same lines.
As a mom I am by nature, nurturing...duh, right? We are the care givers, keepers of the calenders, organizers, lost shoe finders, etc.
At some point and in certain situations we have to give up this role as our kids grow older.
This very morning (and yesterday, and last evening) I found myself in conflict with my son. I was quite perturbed.Time management is an area that I , to be honest, have kind of micro managed in his life. When left without guidence in this area ( to my dismay) the result was not good to say the least. Bags that should have been packed were not, shopping that needed to be done wasn't, cash wasn't obtained from the ATM.....chaos ensued.
I thought what I always tend to think..."I should have done it myself" or "I should have stayed on him about this stuff". These are two courses of action that would have proved very counter productive. Had I done it for him it could allow slothful behavior to develope. If I would have told him each thing he needed to do, he would have accused me of nagging. (probably only in his heart). His verbal response would have been a slightly adgetated " I'll do it!".
This is the time in life when young people need to experience the natural consequences of their actions. If we can bite our tongues and swallow our pride (how is it going to reflect on me when my son is the only one not prepared), our children can then learn from their own mistakes and we have way less stress in the process.
I pray that I will have the wisdom to know when to just let go and allow him, on his own, to succeed (or at times fail) and when to step in and give the right amount of guidence to help him grow an not hinder the very process I am trying to promote.

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